Sharon Lechter

Sharon Lechter, CPA, CGMA, is the founder of Pay Your Family First, coauthor of the international blockbuster "Rich Dad Poor Dad" series, and author of bestselling titles, "Three Feet from Gold," "Outwitting the Devil" and "Think and Grow Rich for Women." Sharon is a financial expert with an unmatched passion for financial literacy. For over 30 years she has inspired individuals and businesses across the globe to achieve financial wellness. Recognized globally as an expert in personal finance, entrepreneurship, publishing and leadership, she remains one of the industry's chief pioneers in developing effective technologies, programs and products to support success in personal finance. A member of the first President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy, Sharon served both President Bush and President Obama, advising them on the need for financial literacy and was appointed to the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission as a national spokesperson on the topic of financial education. In 2013 she was instrumental in the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1449, requiring that financial literacy remain within economics standards and creating a separate statute for those concepts. Angela Totman, Vice President and COO at Pay Your Family First, is a Certified Personal and Family Finance Educator dedicated to driving programs that change participants' lives and nurturing partnerships with individuals and organizations that share in Pay Your Family First's passion for financial literacy.