Teresa of Ávila

Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) was a Spanish nun and mystic, recognised as one of the most influential figures in the history of the Catholic Church and spiritual literature. Her life and work testify to her commitment to the search for truth and closeness to God.Born in Avila, Spain, Teresa was the third daughter of a wealthy family. At the age of 20, she entered the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation in Avila, where she began her spiritual journey. However, her desire to experience a more contemplative and ascetic life led her to found the convent of St Joseph in Avila, where she established a more rigorous and contemplative form of religious life.Throughout her life, Teresa had a series of mystical experiences and visions that profoundly influenced her thought and literary work. Among her most notable writings is "The Interior Castle" (also known as "The Residences"), in which she describes the soul as a crystal castle, divided into seven dwellings, each representing a state of the spiritual life.In addition to her writings, Teresa also founded numerous convents and monasteries, and was an active promoter of the reform of the Church and religious life in Spain. Her example of work and life has inspired many people over the centuries, and her legacy remains relevant today.Teresa was canonised by the Catholic Church in 1622, and in 1970 she was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church, becoming the first woman to receive this title. Her liturgical feast day is celebrated on 15 October.