Steven L. Peck

Steven L. Peck is a professor of biology at Brigham Young University, where he teaches philosophy of biology and bioethics. His publishing history includes lots of scientific work-over fifty scientific articles, including publications in American Naturalist, American Entomologist, Biological Theory, Biology & Philosophy, Newsweek, Evolution, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Agriculture and Human Values, and other science journals. Peck's creative works include three novels. The magical-realism novel The Scholar of Moab (Torrey House Press) was named the Association for Mormon Letters best novel of 2011 and was a finalist for the Montaigne, a national award for the most thought provoking book. The existential horror novel A Short Stay in Hell, however, remains his most popular book. Peck has published a collection of speculative poetry called Incorrect Astronomy with Aldrich Press, which includes the Science Fiction Poetry Association's 2011 Rhysling Award-nominated poem "The Five Known Sutras of Mechanical Man." He has also published in Analog (fact article) Abyss & Apex, Black Denim Literature, Bellowing Ark, Daily Science Fiction, Dialogue, Glyphs III, Irreantum, Jabberwocky Magazine, Journal of Unlikely Entomology, Lissette's Tales of the Imagination, Nature Futures, Perihelion, Pedestal Magazine, Quantum Realties, Red Rock Review, Sunstone, Silver Blade, Sliver Thought Press, Tales of the Talisman, Victorian Violet Press, and Warp and Weave.