Yair Neuman

Yair Neuman (b. 1968) is a polymath with expertise in interdisciplinary research where he draws on diverse disciplines to creatively address real-world and academic challenges. He is the head of the Functor Lab, at the Ben-Gurion University. Prof. Neuman has published numerous papers and ten academic books and was a visiting scholar/Prof. at M.I.T., University of Toronto, University of Oxford, and Weizmann Institute of Science. Beyond his purely academic work, he developed state-of-the-art algorithms for social and cognitive computing, such as those he developed for IARPA and currently developing for a DARPA project. His most recent books are: "How Small Social Systems Work: From Soccer Teams to Jazz Trios and Families" (Springer), "How to Find a Needle in a Haystack: From Solo Perpetrators to the Insider Threat" (Chaman & Hall/CRC Press), and "Using AI for Dialoguing with Texts" (Routledge).