June Stevens

DJ Westerfield is a wife, step-mom, sister, auntie, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend, and Mommy to three adorable and mischievous four-legged babies.She writes non-fiction, blogs, and co-hosts an internet radio show as DJ Westerfield. She uses the pseudonym June Stevens to write fiction in a variety of genres including contemporary romance, romantic suspense, romantic fantasy, paranormal romance, urban fantasy.June Stevens creates new worlds in the form of short stories and books. When you step into one of June Stevens worlds you will encounter at least one (or a combination of many) of these elements: ROMANCE, mystery, suspense, magic, ghosts, vampires, witches, werebeasts, elves, faeries, other magical creatures, space ships, aliens, space travel, time travel, angels, demons, gods and goddesses, and who knows what else. If it can be dreamed up...it may be in one of her worlds.