
2021 • 155 Minuten
972 Rezensionen
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)
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Über diesen Film

Als mythische und berührende Heldenreise erzählt „Dune“ von Paul Atreides, einem brillanten und begabten jungen Mann, dem ein höheres Schicksal bestimmt ist, dass sich seinem Verständnis entzieht und der sich zum gefährlichsten Planeten des Universums begibt, um die Zukunft seines Volkes zu sichern. Als finstere Mächte einen Konflikt um die wertvollste Ressource dieses Planeten heraufbeschwören, ein Rohstoff, der die Menschen befähigt ihr ganzes Potential auszuschöpfen, überleben nur jene, die ihre Ängste überwinden können.
PG-13 (freigegeben ab 13 Jahren)

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

972 Rezensionen
Scott N
20. Jänner 2022
I didn't hate it... almost, but not quite. If I didn't already know what was going on, then I would have been lost. The first one from 1985 is one of my all time favorites, but this one... I had to force myself to watch over a 5 day period. It was so boring, and so very much of the story line is hacked up or not even touched here. There isn't enough left over for a sequel. This just needed another 30 minutes of content to finish up I am upset that I didn't just rent it instead of purchasing it. Please if you really need to see this.... just rent it. It's not worth buying. Sad, just sad.
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30. Jänner 2022
Should have watched "Who Killed Captain Alex". Indeed a much better use of your time. I just wasn't into this. I fell asleep at one point and then found myself playing nintendo switch at another point. Its visually stunning, but the actors and directors just didn't do the material justice. The first movie wasn't great, but I felt they kept my attention. It's beautiful to look at, but that's it. This is better as a wall paper than as a movie.
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Les B
18. Februar 2022
The first "Dune" movie was/is disjointed, hard to follow and Not True to the author's book. The second is even More strange & virtually impossible to follow/understand unless you have read the book(s). Yes, I did say book(s) as plural though there's only one book "Dune" by Herbert there are several other books whose influence is reflected in this (the second) movie. Special effects are OK but still lacking (IMNSHO) compared to other S.F. movies.
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