The Little Things

2021 • 127 Minuten
222 Rezensionen
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Über diesen Film

Joe „Deke“ Deacon (Washington) wird als Deputy Sheriff von Kern County nach Los Angeles geschickt, um Beweisstücke abzuholen. Bei dem kurzen Auftrag verstrickt er sich allerdings in die Jagd nach einem Serienkiller, der die Stadt heimsucht. Sergeant Jim Baxter (Malek) vom L.A. Sheriff Department ist beeindruckt von Dekes detektivischem Gespür und bittet ihn inoffiziell um Hilfe. Doch auf der Jagd nach dem Mörder wirft Dekes Vergangenheit lange Schatten auf den Fall, die nicht nur Baxters Untersuchung in Gefahr bringen.

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

222 Rezensionen
16. Juni 2021
Considering the awesome cast that this film has, I was hoping for something spectacular....nope....sadly it did not deliver. This was honestly the first movie I was excited to see for a good while considering COVID pretty much killed Hollywood (and I hope they stay dead). But this had all the look of something akin to the next Seven. But sadly it was a dud...great actors wasted their talent on this turd. Of course Leto (who was completely underused imo) will still probably win an Oscar.
War das hilfreich für dich?
Jonathan King
24. März 2021
The plot developed slowly then never went as far is it could before the climax had been reached. The film's genre is one of my least favorite but I wanted to like it. The trio of star actors could have been written to create a great story but it left we seeking something more. Annoying recurring sound which was way too loud but a few nice sound tracks helped in certain places.
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Joshua Baratheon
27. März 2021
You would think with 3 Academy Award winning actors this movie would be a slam-dunk, but alas it was mediocre & boring overall and ending that would tie "The Devil Inside" for least satisfying ending. Denzel Washington looks bored. Remi Malik character is uninteresting. Literally the only reason I gave this movie 2 stars is Jared Leto's performance. Unfortunately he's barely in the movie.
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