2017 • 135 minút
436 recenzií
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Tento film

Hororový thriller TO, pod který se režisérsky podepsal Andrés Muschietti (známý filmem „Mama“), vychází ze stejnojmenné, velice oblíbené novely od Stephena Kinga, u které se čtenáři bojí už desítky let. Když ve městě Derry v americkém státě Maine začnou mizet děti, musí se jejich skupinka postavit strachu a vypořádat se se zlým klaunem jménem Pennywise, který má za sebou už stovky let plných vražd a násilí.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

436 recenzií
Cody Pomeroy
1. januára 2021
Very good movie. I rated 4 out of 5 stars because of the ending scene. FYI: I highly not recommend you to watch the second IT movie unless you rent to save your money to watching four long hours of godawful movie. Read my other review there (1-star review) if you want to know more information about that 2nd movie.
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Denilson Valenzuela
8. apríla 2020
It was good but it had so many problems.The acting in this is superb among the kids. They did an amazing job and honestly the only reason I wanted to continue watching. Bill Skarsgard as It was also quite incredible. The bad parts were that it was too repetitive with the jump scares and Pennywise made some...silly decisions throughout. He was quite scary with Georgie but...not so much after. This was better at comedy than it was at horror.
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Sam Galloway
3. apríla 2020
Horrible. Extremely disturbing, insane language from kids, and it's just so messed up. I only saw this because my brother insisted my parents and I see it and we hated it. One of the only movies I've wishes I could unsee.
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