Top Gun: Maverick

2022 • 130 minút
952 recenzií
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Tento film

Po viac ako tridsiatich rokoch služby je Pete „Maverick“ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) aj naďalej verný svojmu poslaniu - je špičkovým námorným letcom, ktorý posúva hranice možností. Maverick však musí čeliť démonom svojej minulosti, keď sa vráti ako školiteľ skupiny elitných letcov TOPGUN a stretne sa s poručíkom Bradshawom (Miles Teller), synom jeho bývalého kolegu menom „Goose“. Vybraní piloti sa začnú pripravovať na špecializovanú misiu, ktorá si vyžaduje veľké obete i potlačenie trpkej rivality.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

952 recenzií
Szymon Matusiak
3. júna 2022
I had really high expectations but it fell somewhat short. Im a big fan of planes so dogfighting scenes really impressed me. Story line seemed to be little shallow, choppy and superficial. The acting was ok with lines that were simple - missing deeper meaning Overall i think the 1986's Top Gun had more emotional load with better developed friendship and romance stories. It seemed more natural and easier to connect to. Still a good movie but now i am gonna watch and enjoy the 1986 again..
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Kidd Brothers Marine
23. septembra 2022
First Off .....This is just my opinion not trying to put down anyone but I did not like the "PENNY" character totally not the same vibe as when "CHARLIE" Kelly Ann McGillis played the part not even the same sensual character/attraction between her & TOM. That is why no 5 stars for me! I would not watch again as I have watch the 1st TOP GUN more than I can even count. The 1st TOP GUN will always hold a very special place in my heart! As well as the young man I originally watch it with~MNault
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Ruth Rodriguez
3. júla 2022
Don't take so long to release it in streaming services in August. that's too long I know you want box office to go higher then just wait 2 more weeks for to be in theaters then release it by the end of july
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