Transformers: Monštrá Sa Prebúdzajú

2023 • 127 minút
136 recenzií
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Tento film

V tomto adrenalínovom dobrodružstve sa Optimus Prime a Autoboti pustia do svojej doteraz najväčšej výzvy. Keď sa objaví nová hrozba schopná zničiť celú planétu, musia sa spojiť s mocnou frakciou známou ako Maximals. Osud ľudstva visí na vlásku a Noah (Anthony Ramos) a Elena (Dominique Fishback) urobia všetko, čo je potrebné, aby pomohli Transformerom, ktorí sa zapojili do rozhodujúcej bitky o záchranu Zeme.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

136 recenzií
Dylin Drury
5. augusta 2023
Might as well be another netflix show. first half hour is filled with racial inequality tropes just like every show/movies shove in your face nowdays. Basic things like the white boss taking credit for the black womens ideas and the hispanic protagonist cant get a job because the white man cant have someone "like him" ruining what he built. Producers must need to hit their quota like every netflix show with the exact same racial and bigoted tropes. its uncreative and getting so old.
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Sanket Srivastava
1. júla 2023
No doubt experience was nice superb action, good a perfect piece of entertainment very fun experience but as a cinephile story could be better the story of this film was typical hollywood some heroes saving the world from evil, demons there was nothing new in the movie. But if you are looking for entertainment only just go for it.
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Michael Curtis
23. augusta 2023
First scenes they have to bag on white people, very poorly written, CGI, behind previous installments. made for modern audiences, which means not for the majority of people. Not worth a watch.
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