The Way Back

2020 • 108 minút
100 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Arabčina, Dánčina, Estónčina, Francúzština (Francúzsko), Fínčina, Gréčtina, Holandčina, Islandčina, Japončina, Kantončina, Kórejčina, Litovčina, Lotyština, Maďarčina, Nemčina, Nórčina, Portugalčina (Brazília), Portugalčina (Portugalsko), Poľština, Ruština, Slovinčina, Taliančina, Thajčina, Čeština, Čínština (tradičné), Španielčina, Španielčina (Latinská Amerika) a Švédčina.

Tento film

Jack Cunningham (Ben Affleck) once had a life filled with promise. In high school, he was a basketball phenom with a full ride to college, when suddenly, for reasons unknown, he walked away from the game, forfeiting his future. Now years later, Jack is stuck in a meaningless job and drowning in the alcoholism that cost him his marriage and any hope for a better life. When he is asked to coach the basketball team at his alma mater, which has fallen far since his glory days, he reluctantly accepts, surprising no one more than himself. As the boy starts to come together as a team and win, Jack may have finally found a reason to confront the demons that have derailed him. But will it be enough to fill the void, heal the deep wounds of his past, and set him on the road to redemption?

Hodnotenia a recenzie

100 recenzií
Michael Jones
25. septembra 2020
The people who don't get this movie are people who didn't live with alcoholics. I had the opportunity to preview the film before the edits, and empathized with all of the characters. If you've never lived these situations, then you're not going to like the movie let alone understand the pain and anguish alcoholism creates (Mother was an alcoholic, and married one.). Well made film, and they could not have picked a better actor for the lead. View the movie as a story of healing..
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Derek Stephens
18. apríla 2020
Really enjoyed this film and Ben Afflecks performance was strong.. .Its a redemptiom film but takes a turn at the end. Everyone has struggles and things that haunt them, its how we face those struggles head on and grow. Well worth the $5.99 rental 5 stars.
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Kenneth Yaw Agyeman-Badu
25. marca 2020
Same flavor as the rest like Coach Carter, made lots of the dialogues and scenes too familiar and predictable. I didn't see this movie as a new movie but like a remake or something. The only thing I did enjoy was Affleck's performance, he really did good with his character and is the reason I'm giving this movie 2 Stars, it's nothing unique but white version of Coach Carter.
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