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Wonder Woman (2017)

2017. • 141 perc
100 vélemény

A filmről

Mielőtt Wonder Woman lett volna, Diana az amazonok hercegnője volt, akit legyőzhetetlen harcosnak neveltek egy eldugott szigeti paradicsomban. Egy napon egy amerikai pilóta gépe e szigetre partjára zuhan le, és a pilóta hírt ad a külvilágban dúló véres konfliktusról. Diana abból a meggyőződésből, hogy ő az, aki féket szabhat a fenyegető veszélynek, elhagyja otthonát. Férfiak között egy minden háborúnak véget vetni vívott ádáz háborúban harcolva Diana felfedezi a benne lakozó erőket… és igazi sorsát.

Értékelések és vélemények

100 vélemény
Private Citizen
2022. április 16.
Yeah the Amazons are are a tad bit kill crazy at the start of the movie. The rest of the movie was fine and fun enough. This Wonder Woman was naive to the world of men and Gods. It stands to reason while her mission was so black and white to her. To Steve and Aries it was more shades of grey concerning the world of Men. Wonder Women even kills Soldiers who she believes are fully under Aries spell. She is an Amazon and a Warrior. Would sentitment stop her from doing what need to be done? Somehow I don't think so. The third act is not as bad as some people made it out to be (imo). Wonder Woman is not some boy scout Superman.
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2021. március 7.
I'm not a fan of DC at the best of times, just personal preference. I liked this though. Although it could have also been better. Would probably watch again, which is more than I can say for most other DC films.
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John Powell
2020. augusztus 20.
Honestly I think this is the best DC movie to date it actually has depth and a great storyline along with character development which is hard to do apparently in movies nowadays. Pretty good, not gonna lie
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