
1998年 • 87 分鐘
10 則評論


Clever Mulan proves her worth outside of her tradition-bound society when, disguised as male soldier "Ping," she bravely takes her father's place in China's Imperial Army. Helped by her outrageously funny guardian dragon Mushu and a lucky cricket named Cri-Kee, Mulan strives to earn the respect of her fellow warriors and their courageous Captain Shang. Mulan's adventures lead to a climactic battle atop the Imperial Palace, where her family's honor and the fate of the Emperor and all of China rests in her hands.


10 則評論
Kevin the Cleric
It is not a perfect movie. I really wish they would have taken it a little more serious given the source material. Since China has a problem with women, she was cut from history and made folklore. No one really knows the truth of what happened to the real Mulan. My Chinese friends have said, she was a brilliant and beautiful warmaiden who was beheaded for saving her country and impersonating a man. I really did like this movie all in all, and is alot better than their most recent Mulan movie
Bren Scott
absolutely beautiful movie that remains my favourite to this day. i would and often do recommend it to anyone and everyone. the tale of Mulan finding herself is timeless and the wonderful animation and soundtrack make it it a great time. the joyful moments are also perfectly contrasted against the somber ones, keeping at least me engaged at all times
Great movie, absolute classic. I really hope they don't do a live action remake of this, where they take all the charm and heart away from it. That would be terrible!