Temný Rytíř

2008 • 152 minút
168 recenzií
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Tento film

Christian Bale a režisér Christopher Nolan se vracejí, aby navázali na kasovní trhák "Batman začíná"! Tentokrát Heath Ledger v roli Jokera a Aaron Eckhart jako Harvey Dent ve zcela novém dobrodružství "Temný rytíř". Spolu s poručíkem Jimem Gordonem (Gary Oldman) a novým státním návladním Harveym Dentem vyráží Batman navždy zničit organizovaný zločin v Gotham City. Zakrátko se trojice těší z úspěchu, ale brzy zjistí, že jsou kořistí krále zločinců známého jako Joker, který uvrhne Gotham do anarchie a nutí Batmana čím dál více překročit hranici mezi hrdinou a tím, kdo bere zákon do svých rukou.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

168 recenzií
Shane Hickenbottom
20. júna 2022
This movie was good overall. But I could not get past Bale's growl shouting Batman. That IS NOT Batman. I swear the man seemed competent (as an actor portraying the character) in the first movie. But this movie he started backsliding. And DK Rises was a terrible film. Due in large part to because Bale didn't portray Batman properly
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Brady West
26. júna 2021
Jack Nicholson is better as the Joker and not gonna lie I love Christian Bale but Michael Keaton was slightly better as well. But none of this beats Jack Nicholson's performance.
8 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Adela Lopez
24. októbra 2021
This Movie is perfect, okay one thing that made this movie perfect was Heath Ledger's (RIP) performance, and his Joker was probably the Darkest of all and I didn't even see Batman Begins because I was so excited to watch The Dark Knight and Batman's voice was kinda goofy but the action scenes were awesome. The beginning of the movie got me hyped. BTW the movie poster is really cool. If someone is going to give this a 1 out of 5, I really want to hear their "very poor choice of words." 5 out of 5
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