10 Things I Hate About You

1999 • 97 minút
10 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Francúzština (Kanada) a Španielčina (Latinská Amerika).

Tento film

On the first day at his new school, Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) instantly falls for Bianca (Larisa Oleynik), the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date ... until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat (Julia Stiles) goes out too! In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad-boy (Heath Ledger) with a nasty reputation of his own!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

10 recenzií
Christopher B
29. novembra 2020
One of my favorite movies of all time! 🎥
Dana C
8. júla 2022
Love this movie!
Beatrice Chaput
6. augusta 2021
My favorite movie it's really good and funny