22 Jump Street

2014年 • 111 分鐘
2.64K 則評論


After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) when they go deep undercover at a local college. But when Jenko meets a kindred spirit on the football team, and Schmidt infiltrates the bohemian art major scene, they begin to question their partnership. Now they don't have to just crack the case - they have to figure out if they can have a mature relationship.


2.64K 則評論
Ciaran Gleeson
This is the greatest comedic film of all time. In it's first four minutes alone, this movie shows how capable it is at making it's entire audience laugh harder than ever before with the funniest joke I have heard on my life. When Channing Tatum says 'My name Jeff', both Christopher Miller and Phil Lord must have known they struck gold. This was easily the loudest laughter from an audience I have ever heard in a cinema screen. The laughter echoed through the hallways of the building and out onto the street for all to hear. This resulted in many more people coming into the cinema for the next showings. At it's worst, the showings were sold out for 6 weeks in advance. It was reported that my city actually stood for 35% of the global box office gross.
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Was looking forward to seeing this movie and i have to admit it didn't disappoint. Absolutely amazing movie and i laughed throughout it all, its even better than the first one they ! For anyone to say it doesn't deserve 5 stars are nut! Really enjoyed this movie and it became a favourite of mine and its great for the entire family. Hope jump street 23 comes out because they both are amazing actors. Love it x
22 人認為這篇評論有用
Can't believe people think this is anywhere near as good as the first one. The firm really seemed to lack any weight to it if compared to the first. Infact, the firm was boring. It was rubbish, didn't bother watching it to the end. Don't bother spending on this weak attempt at a number 2. Shame.
15 人認為這篇評論有用