Joshua Gray
- অনুপযুক্ত বলে ফ্ল্যাগ করুন
No se compara con el original. Si has visto 'The Descent' sabes lo buena que fue. Si has visto su secuela y sabías lo basura que era, sabes cómo será esto. Admito que la escena inicial es tan impresionante como parece, pero todo lo demás es mediocre. Horriblemente guionado, violentamente estadounidense en cinematografía, y logra aburrirme del tema principal. No pensé que la última parte fuera posible. Admito que disfruté el maquillaje, pero los efectos especiales eran basura CGI e innecesarios. Me alegro de haber alquilado en lugar de comprar esto.
John Smith
- অনুপযুক্ত বলে ফ্ল্যাগ করুন
- রিভিউ ইতিহাস দেখুন
This is one of my favorite movies, I cant say that for the 1st one. The 1st one is good, but its a different type of movie, its 1 guy waking up and slowly making his way to survive what has become. This movie had it all, survival in the beginning similar to the 1st movie, and then moved to a military safe zone, had helicopters, military sniper shootings and flamethrowers, a high rise building being taken over by the infected, and night vision 1st person camera scene. 10/10
Levi Reno
- অনুপযুক্ত বলে ফ্ল্যাগ করুন
Ignore the comments saying anything good about this movie. The poorly tied together story, excuses for how some are immune, senseless scenario setup, the killing off of main characters, and overall movie in general, was by far one of the worst zombie movies I've ever seen. It wasn't even scary! The people who call this a scary movie are the people who get scared of horror movie parodies. Terrible in every category. If you want a hands down better version of this movie. Go watch "World War Z".
১৬ জন এই রিভিউ সহায়ক বলে মনে করেছেন