400 Days

2016 • 90 минут
142 шүүмж
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A psychological sci-fi thriller which centers on four astronauts sent on a simulated mission to a distant planet to test the psychological effects of deep space travel. Locked away for 400 days, the crew's mental state begins to deteriorate when they lose all communication with the outside world. Forced to exit the ship, they wonder if the mission is a simulation after all. (Original Title - 400 Days) - 2015 Pandemic, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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142 шүүмж
Eric Jones
2016 оны гуравдугаар сарын 11
So I wanted to love this movie, but unfortunately I didnt. The cast are all actors I really admire, they do such a great job on other projects but I just didnt feel it came together on this one. The premise of this film is fantastic, very relatable to other scifi/horror trends but different enough that it stands on its own. The execution of a lot of elements of this movie just werent as well done as they could have been. The first half of the movie did a really good job of establishing the characters and giving us enough information about their situation to understand the dangers they may encounter. Where this movie really falls apart is in the second half. My best non-spoiler way of saying it is that this movie feels like 2 different films. I also think that the writers had a lot of great concepts here with a mindful script but werent able to make those pieces fully connect. You wonder at the end if the payoff was worth the journey, ultimately for me, it wasnt. This movie is just an OK film and my suggestion is to wait until its free to watch.
frank p
2016 оны хоёрдугаар сарын 1
Started out with kinda a plot to follow, but just got too way out there confusing wise. Basically four people in a box who doesn't do anything remotely close to what astronauts might do. Just them lingering/hanging out in the beginning in their box, then wandering around some town with absolutely no final end explanation what so ever. You'll be scratching your head along with the rest of us who seen this.
tom o'd
2016 оны зургаадугаар сарын 19
Can't believe a friend of mine asked me to take her to see this movie, she said it was supposed to be good, I took her, IT WASN'T, she agreed. Bad acting, bad script, really bad set design looked more like a refurbished cold war nuclear fallout shelter, low quality set design. This movie was supposed to be sci-fi, to me it was just boring from beginning to end.