(500) Days Of Summer

2009 • 95 minutes
1,35K avis
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Aucune piste audio ni de sous-titres ne correspond à votre langue. Les sous-titres sont disponibles dans les langues suivantes : da, et, fi, hr, lialemá, lifalamá, lifalansɛ́, ligeleki, lingɛlɛ́sa, liongili, lipolonɛ, lipulutugɛ́si, liromani, lisinwa (HK), lisinwa (Hant), lisipanye (419), litaliano, litaye, litiliki, litshekɛ, lt, lv, no, sl.

À propos de ce film

This is a story of a young man's no-holds-barred love affair. Tom still believes in the notion of a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once kind of love. Summer, the girl, doesn't. But that doesn't stop Tom from going after her, again and again, like a modern Don Quixote. Suddenly, Tom is in love not just with a lovely, witty, intelligent woman but with the very idea of Summer, the very idea of a love that still has the power to shock the heart and stop the world.

Notes et avis

1,35K avis
Jesus Diaz
17 sánzá ya yambo 2015
Es una de mis peliculas preferidas, muestra un poco el amor de nuestros tiempos y como soy adolescente pues me indetifico mucho con los dos personajes, realmente recomendable.
43 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
2 sánzá ya mítáno 2021
500 DaysSummer This is a story of a young man's no-holds-barred love affair. Tom still believes in the notion of a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once kind of love. Summer, the girl, doesn't. But that doesn't stop Tom from going after her, again and again, like a modern Don Quixote. Suddenly, Tom is in love not just with a lovely, witty, intelligent woman but with the very idea of Summer, the very idea of a love that still has the power to shock the heart and stop the world
8 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Juli Balbi
2 sánzá ya zómi na mɔ̌kɔ́ 2014
Muy buen film del director Marc Webb. Su trama trae consigo ciertas realidades que deprimen al hombre en el amor, además de otras enseñanzas.
7 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile