
2022 • 95 minutos
9 recensións
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Acerca desta película

During a weekend trip, a couple learns the dark secret of their island getaway, triggering a terrifying time loop with seemingly no means of escape.

Valoracións e recensións

9 recensións
Greg A
28 de marzo de 2022
It's a short movie but I couldn't finish it. Very boring, bad acting and terrible direction. The tone and lighting seemed more in line with a rom-com and I wonder if the director just got out of school and wanted to try every camera trick he learned in class.
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Lisa H
27 de marzo de 2022
Something about the main characters was off-putting, and the story moved very slowly. It could have been shortened by 30 minutes- I gave up halfway through and skipped to the end.
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Linda Fernbacher
31 de marzo de 2022
I didn't even want to watch it because all of the reviews were telling me not to.
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