A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

2019. • 108 minuta
242 recenzije
PG (uz roditeljski nadzor)
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O ovom filmu

Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, a timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism, based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. After a jaded magazine writer (Emmy® winner Matthew Rhys, 2018 Best Actor in a Drama Series, The Americans) is assigned a profile of Fred Rogers, he overcomes his skepticism, learning about kindness, love and forgiveness from America's most beloved neighbor.
PG (uz roditeljski nadzor)

Ocjene i recenzije

242 recenzije
Lane Lareau
7. ožujka 2020.
Such a refreshing tale inspired by a true story and article written in Esquire magazine in 1998, featuring the beloved Mr. Rogers. Tom Hanks does a phenomenal job capturing what any person remembers growing up with Mr. Rogers. It's no wonder his supporting role earned him an Oscar nomination. I found his character and this story bringing me back to my childhood, as if, once again, being reminded of the goodness there is in being alive and the people who matter in it. To be reminded of the beauty there is to be human, is what this film brings to any viewer.
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Robin H
25. ožujka 2020.
Im also rating the movie before I watch it BECAUSE I don't need anyone telling me that it has got to be filled with lessons in kindness, helping one another, humanity. The list goes on and on. I watched Mr. Rogers when I was a kid. My kids watched him. I've read about this humanitarian and can't wait to watch it when my kids and I can be safely in the same room. A word that's not spelled right has got nothing to do with the movie
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Kate Liles
15. ožujka 2020.
You can't help but feel many emotions through this movie, and I believe Tom Hanks did a wonderful job on such a delicate piece as Mister Rogers. It's easy to get lost in the story and relate to Lloyd Vogel (main character) as he learns to adjust, forgive, and love in ways he didn't think he would. Great message, as always.
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