Russell Rogers
2019(e)ko abuztuaren 26(a) So, if I'm seeing the same film everyone else is; Flip is an ant that skirts his main responsibilities (collecting food) because he believes that he can make a difference. So while he's off doing projects, everyone else has to make up for his absence. In his genius, he creates a slash-and-burn method of harvesting (which will probably require fuel and may have future food/environment consequences), puts his entire colony at risk, and mistakes a circus troop as warriors... Yeahh...
31 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2012(e)ko ekainaren 21(a) This system is crap I rented a movie but my phone wouldn't allow it to play because the program wasn't working and now that I have it working it says my rental period is up... I never got to watch! Just stupid if you ask me.
86 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Joseph L Filtranti CEC AAC
- Salatu desegokia dela
- Erakutsi iritziaren historia
2018(e)ko martxoaren 10(a) What an amazing imaginary film to watch. Alone🕵️♂️, with a significant other 👥, with your family 👨👩👦👦 or some friends, it doesn't matter how you watch this movie, just watching it, will bring laughter, happiness, educational experiences that you could ever imagine. Every character brings to life the one it portraits.