A Caretaker's tale

2013 • 83 minutos
3 recensións
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Acerca desta película

A CARETAKER'S TALE is a poetic yet disturbing and controversial story of Per, a harsh and bitter caretaker with a lowlife son who just got out of prison and two pathetic friends he bosses around. One day he discovers a young beautiful woman lying naked in an empty apartment, wrapped in a curtain. Apparently she's up for grabs. The girl is happy and willing - almost like a gift from above. Per brings her home to his own apartment and her innocence awakens something new in him and his friends - love perhaps?

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3 recensións
Marnica Harbuck
15 de maio de 2020
I love girls naked they just have there privets sucked but why did they not do that it would have been a great movie if they did that but I like the movie it was great movie