A Perfect World

1993 • 138 mínútur
199 umsagnir
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Um þessa kvikmynd

Set in 1963 in Texas, Academy Award-winner Kevin Costner ("The Bodyguard," "Dances with Wolves") plays an escaped convict, who, in the course of eluding the Texas Ranger pursuing him, Academy Award-winner Clint Eastwood ("Unforgiven," "Million Dollar Baby"), takes a hostage -- a fatherless young boy who has led a strictly constrained and unhappy life. Together, the con and boy develop a unique friendship, enabling both of them to experience some of the pleasures missing from their childhoods. But their life on the run is on a collision course with the reality of their situation and the laws of a very imperfect world. Co-starring Golden Globe-winner Laura Dern ("Jurassic Park") and Linda Hart("Get Shorty," "Tin Cup"). Variety calls this a "lean, finely chiseled work...a somber, subtly nuanced study" and The New York Times calls this "Majestic, eloquent, profoundly moving. The high point of Mr. Eastwood's directing career" and calls Costner's performance "absolutely riveting...an overdue reminder of why he is a film star of such magnitude." Directed by Clint Eastwood. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (c) 1993 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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199 umsagnir
Lisa Harshfield
18. janúar 2018
One of those movies that you have watched over many years, but anxiously anticipate watching it again. Even knowing each scene by heart doesn't change the fact that with each scene, you still feel the same raw emotions as if seeing it for the first time.
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Yinch Tan
11. maí 2013
The chemistry between Butch and Buzz is amazing, a story of friendship, trust, and inevitably bittersweet ending Highly recommend it.
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14. apríl 2022
This movie doesn't get the credit it deserves. Makes me cry every time and I don't cry easily.
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