A Small Good Thing

2016 • 72 minutes
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À propos de ce film

This feature-length documentary is set in western Massachusetts in the Berkshires, long a destination for
change-seekers, spiritual explorers, artists, and musicians seeking solace and stimulation amid the pastoral
landscape - the perfect setting for a story about renewing personal and universal bonds. The film
follows innovative farmer Sean Stanton, social work student Tim Durrin and yoga teacher Mark Gerow,
whose earlier careers in the armed forces have now shifted to service of a different kind; Jen and Pete
Salinetti, a college-educated couple with two small children who have chosen to be farmers as a way to
connect with their community; and Shirley Edgerton, community activist and founder of both the Youth
Alive Step Team and the Women of Color Giving Circle. What these people share is a deep desire to
have more meaning in their lives, a closer bond with their families and communities, and a connection
to themselves and the natural world.

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