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A Star Is Born (1976)

1976 • 140 daqiqa
30 ta sharh
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The fire of Barbra Streisand. The magnetism of Kris Kristofferson. The reckless world of big-time rock 'n' roll. MPAA Rating: R 1976 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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30 ta sharh
Emma McBride
15-iyul, 2021
Omg this is one classic movie you do not want to miss. Barbra Streisand & Kris Kristofferson are a match made in heaven in one of the best film's ever made about the music industry. Wonderful!!
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Andrew Soper
1-yanvar, 2015
Just fabulous, rock n roll, real singing, love what more could anyone want!
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Cathie Gall
1-yanvar, 2017
Barbara streisand never fails to please great actor and fantastic voice**
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