A Walk In The Clouds

1995 • 102 minút
326 recenzií
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Tento film

Keanu Reeves, Anthony Quinn and Giancarlo Giannini star in this visually breathtaking romantic drama. A young woman (Aitana Sanchez-Gijon) terrified of what her domineering father (Giannini) will do when he learns she is unmarried and pregnant, meets a disillusioned WWII vet (Reeves), who offers to pose as her husband for one night. It will change both of their lives forever.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

326 recenzií
Iris Crain
11. marca 2017
One of my favorite Keanu Reeves movies ever. This shows his true acting ability, not the silent stoic that people tend to think of in a Reeves movie. There's a few tense scenes but nothing to keep you awake at night, although the movie might make you think about society and relationships if you're younger. The scenery is beautiful, the tangles obvious but still satisfying, and you'll come away calm and with a slight smile on your face. If you're just looking for a movie to watch to chill, this is a great choice.
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Nicole Collins
5. augusta 2021
I have seen this movie many times i would have to say it is my all time favorite. And Reeves is just utterly amazing in this picture. Yes its an older movie, but i dont believe there is anything I would rather do than open up a bottle of wine sit back and take it all in.
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Matteo Orantes
5. júla 2024
There is no better movie ever made I grew up watching this movie because it was one of my mothers favorite and as I grew up it became my favorite As well, this is the definition of love.
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