Liga spravedlnosti

2017 • 119 minút
368 recenzií
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Tento film

Bruce Wayne si vezme ponaučení ze Supermanova obětavého činu, který v něm znovu probudil víru v lidskost, a povolá si na pomoc svoji novou spojenkyni jménem Diana Prince, aby se postavili ještě většímu nepříteli. Batman a Wonder Woman se společně pustí do práce a rychle se jim podaří sestavit tým superlidí do boje proti nové hrozbě, která právě povstala. Přestože se jim podaří vytvořit ligu hrdinů, jaká nemá obdoby (Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg a Flash), může být na záchranu planety před útokem katastrofických rozměrů přece jenom příliš pozdě.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

368 recenzií
Weld Snow
26. novembra 2021
This was a boring movie. Watching a stream of video ft ame trailers is more interesting. And I don't play video game most action scenes I felt like they wanted to have certain scenes so they altered story to make a reason for a certain scene no matter how stupid the reasoning, no matter. How it conflict's with established story, example is having The Flash fall on top of Wonder Woman just to sexualize a scene for no need. Also they introduce 2 new hero without their own movies prior. BORNG
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Moises Delgado
20. júna 2022
Watched it and didn't like it. It wasn't the worst movie I've seen. But it lack potential for the DC heroes not to mention that the heroes were unlikable and boring to watch. Some of the acting was bad, so was the CGI. The antagonist was porly written, and some action scenes were pointless and just bad. However, I had a small portion of fun watching it. It was ok. If you want to watch it. You can give it a go.
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Christian Steger
1. júla 2020
This is the biggest waste of potential I've ever seen in film. DC took the biggest and most beloved superheroes of ALL TIME, and just used them to set up sequels and give exposition. The action and effects are so cluttered on your screen it's hard to make out what's going on. The tone and humor is very inconsistent, and this was just a cause of too much studio meddling.
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