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1992 • 114 minutos
654 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Lt. Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is the lone survivor when her crippled spaceship crash lands on Fiorina 161, a bleak wasteland inhabited by former inmates of the planet's maximum security prison. Ripley's fears that an Alien was aboard her craft are confirmed when the mutilated bodies of ex-cons begin to mount. Without weapons or modern technology of any kind, Ripley must lead the men into battle against the terrifying creature. And soon she discovers a horrifying fact about her link with the Alien, a realization that may compel Ripley to try destroying not only the horrific creature but herself as well.
Violencia e Linguaxe ofensiva

Valoracións e recensións

654 recensións
Great Name
23 de maio de 2019
Мьют и Хигса «убили» в этом фильме. Это так по идиотски подло со стороны сценаристов. И в общем, сам фильм унылый, я бы его выбросил из канона. В детстве он тоже мне не нравился.
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12 de agosto de 2020
I cant buy it so no am i the bext is the best I can get the glitched arm and I will give 6th grade a good trail of hell in the world 3rd of July and I am 9a I have a pet pls and I am a noob a lot of times but I'm still not scam let it be my dad is my brother roblox logo but u r on reddit and he chaged it for a pack pls I got it all my own but the best I can do it is to get the best I can do with the tablet and I am not a scam I swear to God I will not scam you with the word of the same time you.
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Un usuario de Google
19 de maio de 2017
Nunca Podré Entender Lo MaL Que Fué Acogida en su Momento Por La 'Critica EspeciaLizada'.. Oscura, OriginaL, Densa ; Creo Que Lo Que Tiene es un Ritmo Pausado, Lo que Traducido a La Jerga PaLomitera Sería: Lenta. Lerdos eLLos, Bobo Yo 😅. En Fín, a Cada Quién Su Santo y a Cada LeLo Su Monstruo.. eL Mío es ALI£N3 .. EL FinaL, InoLvidabLe; Lástima Que La Baba No Acabó ALLí, Pero No Me Quejo de RESURRECTION.. EstiLizado y Todo, Entretuvo; ALgo Que a Demasiadas Cintas Les FaLta.. Ser ADHESIVAS. £nd of TransmissioN
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