Alien: Covenant

2017年 • 122 分鐘
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Ridley Scott returns to the universe he created, with ALIEN: COVENANT, a new chapter in his groundbreaking ALIEN franchise. The crew of the colony ship Covenant, bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, discovers what they think is an uncharted paradise but is actually a dark, dangerous world. When they uncover a threat beyond their imagination they must attempt a harrowing escape.


Garry Grierson
OK, It's not a great film, but honestly it's not a one star ether. I liked this as much as I liked the later movies in the original Alien series, which were not great ether. No, they really weren't! I think a lot of the one star reviews are because this wasn't what people wanted from a new episode in the Aliens franchise. That's fine, but comparing it with most other stuff out there its maybe middling at best, but realistically not in the same league as genuine 'one star' films. I thought it was OK in its own right, but different from the 'classic' Alien movies. I did like Prometheus quite a bit, and do think that was better than some of the original Alien films in many respects, although not the first two.
Tim Hernan
It's not as bad as Promethius, but it's still lacking that something. This is what I call milking the franchise. The studio are stringing it out for the sake of making a movie. I don't want to see a Ridley Scott cinematic master piece, I want a dirty movie, like with Aliens, with a story I'll love & enjoy. It's not the lack of gore here in this film, it's the lack of emotion & story. You don't care about the characters. You're left with a feeling of "is that it" all in all, next film, new director, better script.
Absolute garbage!!! Did they not learn from the last alien film that the whole David betrays the team was a stupid storyline, not sure why they bothered to continue the same storyline. David being the real monster was pathetic. The only thing i was happy about, to learn the fate of Elizabeth Shaw. Her character was so annoying in the last film especially when she decided to chase down an alien ship to get answers to why they wanted to kill humans, so it was quite satisfying knowing her stupidity cost her life, Shouldn't have trusted David, duh doh!
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