Alien Exorcism

2013 • 106 minutes
30 avis
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À propos de ce film

Dr. Davide Piso has been studying thousands cases of alien abductions, obtaining the unsettling thesis that some extraterrestrial races install their active memories in the abducted people's brains, in order to completely exploit a special human energy that he defines as the Soul. He has developed an extraordinary technique in which the abductees, under hypnosis, can relive their abduction experiences, giving him the chance to expel the parasites. However, he will meet his most dangerous challenge yet, when he helps Saturnia, a young woman, who believes she has been abducted. Once hypnotized, Saturnia will not leave the trance condition anymore, giving place to Hexabor of Ur - an entity coming from ancient Mesopotamian breeds - that states to be the first of his race that can totally inhabit a human body, and is now ready to lead the final invasion, to which the mankind was genetically prepared.

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30 avis