Alien Resurrection (Special Edition)

1997 • 116 minút
297 recenzií
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Tento film

Terror is reborn in the shocking conclusion to the Alien saga! Two hundred years have passed since Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) made the ultimate sacrifice, but a group of scientists has cloned her—along with the Alien queen inside her—hoping to create the ultimate weapon. Now Ripley must team up with a band of smugglers, including a mechanic named Call (Winona Ryder), to combat a new breed of Alien!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

297 recenzií
Ryu Ronquillo
11. augusta 2021
DD: number four is quite good. it is Whedon written after all. i just don't know how i feel about the birthed baby alien monster just yet. it just seemed a bit weird. the film itself though was plenty entertaining. a real mix of sci-fi and horror.
Jeff lebowski
1. septembra 2021
Alien serisinin açık ara en kötü filmi. İzlenir mi ? Tabii ki ama hep bir seyler eksik olmuş duygusuyla izleyeceksiniz seriye hakimseniz.
Thor Åge Vårum
5. júla 2021
Ripley got character assasinated, and it's also just a tonal mess.