Aliens Stole My Body

2020 • 88 мүнөт
1 сын-пикир
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Бул кино тууралуу

The Galactic Patrol is back – but they've lost Deputy Rod Allbright's body! It's been stolen by B'KR, the most fiendish villain in the galaxy, which leaves Rod's mind sharing one body with his annoying cousin, Elspeth. Stranded on a mysterious planet, our young heroes embark on a mission to find the only being who can stop B'KR, Art Allbright, Rod's dad! Drawn into a web of alien plots that test their courage, they team up with the crew from the Good Ship Ferkel including Phil the plant (voiced by George Takei). Join the Galactic Patrol's high-flying adventures in this thrilling sequel based on the bestselling book series from acclaimed author Bruce Coville.
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Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

1 сын-пикир
zehra demiri
2020-ж., 12-ноябрь
Super film iako je na engleskom
6 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи