Alita: Battle Angel

2019 • 121 minutu
284 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

An adaptation of the popular Japanese manga Battle Angel Alita. Set in the 26th century, Alita (Rosa Salazar) is a female cyborg that is discovered in a scrapyard by a scientist. With no memory of her previous life except her deadly martial-arts training, Alita becomes a bounty hunter, tracking down criminals.

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284 iritzi
Yannis Anastasakis
2019(e)ko abuztuaren 5(a)
It is more expensive here than it is on Amazon where I ended up renting this. The storyline and overall production are good. I was often 'pulled out' of the film though when I got distracted by the cartoon-ie face of the main character; also the dialogue is often clearly geared towards a young teenage audience - as an adult you will struggle a little. Finally some of the fight sequences ignored physics - the CGI animation that replaced the actors was not as well as you would expect.
49 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Lord Xodus
2019(e)ko uztailaren 13(a)
A 4.1/5 As a long time fan of the manga I was nervous of this adaptation, but I needn't have been worried as it's gloriously beautiful with fantastic action. A couple of times the uncanny valley rears its head and the story was trimmed in places but still a strong film that hopefully will get a sequel.
Keith Connell
2019(e)ko irailaren 5(a)
It wouldn't go into my top films to watch.A lot of it was things I'd seen before.It had an old fashioned style where bad guys were just bad guys,disposeable and lacked any depth.Some of the deaths should of been shocking but they just weren't because of the way they were presented. It was fun enough to watch because of the visuals and fight scenes but don't expect too much from it. It might be that I have been spoilt with modern TV series that more than compete with movies with more time to develope characters and have better moral compasses.