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Alita: Battle Angel

2019 • 121 daqiqa
3,73 ming ta sharh
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Bu film haqida

From visionary filmmakers James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez comes ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL, an epic adventure of hope and empowerment. When Alita (Rosa Salazar) awakens in a future world she does not recognize, she is taken in by a compassionate doctor (Christoph Waltz) who realizes that somewhere in this abandoned cyborg shell is the heart and soul of a young woman with an extraordinary past.

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3,73 ming ta sharh
Alfonso DelosReyes
7-yanvar, 2020
This movie is mediocre, the anime version is far better and darker compared to this one that seems juvenile at times. There were additions to the film beyond the anime that dont add anything good to the movie. The choice of leaving Alita's eyes big is a weird one, Alita looks awful at times like a monster. After watching the movie and comparing it to the anime I just felt this was a downgrade, I really hope there is not a second part coming.
526 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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5-oktabr, 2019
10, 2019  264  Love Alita Battle Angel Alita is a compelling character. This is also thanks to the amazing and ever beautiful Rosa Salazar. The CGI technology is , mocap and photorealism are just high up there! The music is Tom Holkenberg, music composer of Mad Max Fury Road, has done a great job. Go...♤♤♤
48 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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22-noyabr, 2020
Я оцениваю по 10 бальной системе Работа камерой мне не очень понравилась ну не очень 5/10 3D модели и тд мне понравилась но был один момент каторый взбесил это когда в конце Хьюго падает и умирает то у Алиты было страное вырожения лица 8/10 Актёры классные но в некоторых моментах иногда переигрывали ну Актёры сыграли классно 8/10 К эффектам не придраться 10/10 В целом у меня положительные эмоции от просмотра с первых минут меня бесило характер Алиты но патом привык оставлю 3 звезды из 5
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