All This and Heaven Too

1940 • 143 minút
26 recenzií
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Tento film

Oscar-winning legend Bette Davis ("All About Eve," "Jezebel") and Oscar-nominee Charles Boyer ("Gaslight") star in this romantic drama about a French nobleman who falls in love with his children's governess, causing a tragic scandal in 19th-century France. Nominated for three Oscars, including Best Picture. Co-star Barbara O'Neil ("Gone with the Wind") was nominated for Best Supporting Actress.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

26 recenzií
Regina Renolda Head
20. januára 2015
I can't find the proper words I reccomed it to anyone who loves the classics. This is timeless they don't make films like this anymore sadly. Please do watch and you'll love it too.
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Rosa Parker
14. decembra 2015
Love ms Davis this is one of my favorite the eyes said it all
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Sharon Gilbert
11. marca 2014
Have watched this movie over and over, never tired of seing it again and again. One of the great classics.
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