Almost Mercy

2015 • 84 minuts
38 ressenyes
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Sobre aquesta pel·lícula

Bonded together by a twisted past, Emily and Jackson have been best friends since childhood. Now in High School, while Emily has left her troubles in her past to become a perfect student, Jackson has embraced his sadistic side. As his lust for violence grows, Emily is left with a choice - stand up and protect the town from his evil, or give in to the darkness within.


Director: Tom DeNucci
Writers: Tom DeNucci, B. Dolan
Stars: Kane Hodder, Bill Moseley, Kim Mulhauser

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Puntuacions i ressenyes

38 ressenyes
Abigail D.
15 d’agost del 2015
The movie was okay. I just found the main character incredibly annoying. The character just didn't come off as cool or funny the way that the filmmakers hoped. Unfortunately her narrative was a major plot device, so it ruined an otherwise decent movie for me.
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Jared Marmitt
28 de maig del 2015
This was one hell of a movie, it had me on edge the whole way thru. Lots of action, great story line, even the soundtrack was awesome. Check it out
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Preston Gedeon
11 de juny del 2015
It was scary but very sweet I liked the end when the girl had blood all over her and sweet guns.
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