American Pie 2 (Unrated)

2001 • 110 minutos
373 recensións
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Acerca desta película

A year after their prom-night misadventures, the original gang reunites for a hot summer they'll never forget at an innocent-looking beach house that becomes the ultimate party central.

Valoracións e recensións

373 recensións
Matthew Simas
5 de xullo de 2015
The only sequel I've seen that Isn't worse than the first one! Amazing! Stupid concept but in the end... The ending was great! Definetley a must watch
14 persoas consideraron que esta recensión é útil
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Pierre-Richard (Pierre-Richard)
26 de setembro de 2015
the quality of the movie is poor its dark with no contrast.... you tube bad, on this movie at least.
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John Bahr
9 de xuño de 2020
This movie makes me laugh every time i watch it it's really funny and a good cast good story worth seeing
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