American Woman

2019. • 112 минута
61 рецензија
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О овом филму

An irresponsible single mother struggles to raise her young grandson when her daughter goes missing in American Woman, a richly layered drama about the extraordinary ways tragedy can reshape an ordinary life. When her teenage daughter mysteriously vanishes from their rural Pennsylvania neighborhood, 31-year-old supermarket cashier Deb Callahan (Sienna Miller) confronts the mistakes of her past so she may care for her grandson. But her long journey towards maturity is threatened when the truth of her daughter’s disappearance is finally revealed. Featuring an award-winning ensemble cast, including Christina Hendricks, Aaron Paul, Will Sasso and Amy Madigan, director Jake Scott’s American Woman is an empowering story about love, hope, and finding a way forward when all seems lost.

Оцене и рецензије

61 рецензија
Jeremiah Muhwezi
16. новембар 2019.
I think its a waste of time and i don't care whatever in the fictional story I can't fill my mind with lies
106 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
Angel From Hell
27. децембар 2019.
Nina Karjakina
15. март 2020.
Great movie