
1998 • 94 minutes
191 avis
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À propos de ce film

A young girl heads from Russia to Paris, hoping to learn if she really is the long lost princess Anastasia, only to find unexpected love complicating matters of identity

Notes et avis

191 avis
2 sánzá ya motóbá 2021
I know it's a old film, the animation is great! But compared to other old movies, this one was the worst. It's so confusing and some parts don't make sense VERY very cliché watched a little bit and already know how it's going to end. And as a children's movie it's not even entertaining to the children there's some weird and disturbing scenes with the villian. So overall, not worth the watch and wouldn't recommend.
milo missenden
10 sánzá ya yambo 2018
Whilst not following Russia's history correctly, or even closely, the amazing musical numbers, an entertaining villain (with easily the best villain song out there), and a plot that keeps you captivated, this classic musical is one for the ages. The fact that it's not made by Disney is even better!
4 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Jessica Blackburn
21 sánzá ya yambo 2014
I didn't think it would end like that, but its still really good. I love the whole concept of it.
6 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile