Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan

2011 • 108 minutos
24 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Anhey Ghorhey Da Daan' is a highly acclaimed Punjabi-language film directed by Gurvinder Singh. The film is based on the Punjabi novel of the same title published in 1976 by Gurdial Singh.The film won National Awards for Best Direction, Cinematography and Best Feature Film in Punjabi at the 59th National Film Awards of India.A day in the life of a family in a village in Punjab as they deal with social and labor trials and inequities, leading to a night of a lunar eclipse.It portrays the plight and problems of Punjabi farmers, rural working class, as well as the landlords. ( CBFC UA CIL/2/100/2011-MUM)

Valoracións e recensións

24 recensións
Un usuario de Google
25 de xuño de 2017
Fantastic Movie describe the situation of old punjab
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