Anna Nicole

2013 • 88 minút
68 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Dánčina, Francúzština, Fínčina, Holandčina, Nórčina a Švédčina.

Tento film

Anna Nicole Smith (Agnes Bruckner) was a single mother from Texas who became the biggest supermodel in the world, but her sudden catapult to fame came with a price, as drugs, alcohol and reckless behavior led her down a tragic path. Now you get to see the whole story in this compelling original film, as Anna Nicole's sexual desires, crippling addictions and her overwhelming need to be famous lead her from incredible fame and fortune to her unfortunate descent. Also starring Martin Landau, Cary Elwes, Virginia Madsen and Adam Goldberg, Anna Nicole is a salacious and voyeuristic film experience.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

68 recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
4. marca 2019
Do you want me on the phone call please
Emmi-Elina Sirviö
14. júna 2016
My favourite movie ever!
77 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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17. júla 2018
17 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú