Annabelle: Creation

2017年 • 109分
1980 件のレビュー


She’s back! In “Annabelle: Creation”, several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a dollmaker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the dollmaker’s possessed creation, Annabelle.


1980 件のレビュー
Hey man. w, but it was the last few days ago by a group. I have been in a while, and the rest. the first one. the first one. the first one. the first one. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a little while, so I'm sure it was in a couple days, but they were not the intended to help you out. it was the first one to be a great way to the next couple of days. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful person. I am a beautiful and I will be a good time to time and money on a new job, I have a great time at all. it isn't. the other side of things . I'm not a problem. if I could get to see the difference in price of one. it will take a moment of my own business and the new one of those people that I can get it right now. the other side of the most important thing is to get a free online dating service and the new year. the
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Shyann Stump
Sad when this is what's considered a good horror film today. Worst film iv seen. This movie wouldn't scare a baby. I don't think the people on here have ever watched anything outside of Netflixs b rated horror films. Do yourself a favor and skip this its beyond terrible. You could make a more chilling and terrifying movie at home with halloween makeup, toddlers, and a cellphone camera.
130 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Such a frustrating movie to watch. Characters making dumb decisions way too often, scares are too soft and not very creative, and the villain has inconsistent powers. One minute, the demon can telepathically throw furniture across a room, the next minute it crawls up an elevator, clings to a ledge, and laughably gets its fingers smashed by a little girl's flashlight and falls down. Some of the effects are unnerving when the demon possesses a human character or causes bodily harm. But a large majority of the movie is spent watching "damsel in distress" characters whimper and hide in stupid places. I've never rolled my eyes at any other movie as frequently as this one. Save your money and time and skip this one.
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