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2020 • 105 minut
37 opinii

Informacje o filmie

Odnosząca sukcesy pisarka trafia do straszliwej rzeczywistości, w której musi stawić czoła swojej przeszłości, teraźniejszości i przyszłości. Trzymający w napięciu thriller producentów filmów UCIEKAJ! oraz TO MY.

Oceny i opinie

37 opinii
T. Daphne Vasquez (Dafquez)
15 stycznia 2021
I sobbed. This movie really got to me. When I saw zombie Drumpf supporters complaining about "BLM propaganda", I laughed at them outing themselves as racists. I appreciated the one person saying as much. Another person complained about inconcistencies/continuum, but if you actually watch the whole movie, it makes complete sense. For all BIPOC: I am so, so sorry for the generational trauma, and what continues today to endanger your safety and well being. I am trying my best to be a good ally.
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Mr. J
2 października 2020
Really not good. Not only is it yet another social justice propaganda film, it's bad storytelling, dialogue and acting. Not to mention it portrays white people as comically evil. Don't waste your money.
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Melodie Wendelcook
21 stycznia 2021
Enjoyable - probably the sort of dream people have after seeing 12 years a slave. I did yell at my screen near end, so glad watched at home.
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