
2015 • 112 minut
600 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

Patrick (Matthew Fox), Jack (Jeffrey Donovan) a jeho dcera Lu (Quinn McColganová) dokázali přežít apokalypsu zombií tím, že se na devět let zavřeli ve městečku Harmony, věčně zapadaném sněhem. Nestvůry zdánlivě vymizely a zdá se, že to nikdo nepřežil, neustálý strach z neznáma však na tuto dočasnou rodinu tísnivě doléhá. Při hledání potravy Patrick zjistí, že se nemrtví vrátili a vyvinulo se z nich něco hrůzného, co se vymyká lidským představám. Přežije poslední výspa lidské rasy druhou apokalypsu zombií?

Hodnocení a recenze

600 recenzí
Xeng Vang
13. srpna 2015
I guess it's a new twist on zombies evolving to non-contagious feral human-zombies cannibalism with the twisted look alike creatures fromThe Decent >> those underworld dweller beings who gone nocturnal sights without eyesight but with sounds echoes locator images. But these zombies don't use sounds echo locations sounds instead just very good listener to locates their prey. The little girl annoys me the most. Always disobeying and going off to dangerous places at the wrong time. Couldn't even dodged the smack from that solo none-contagious feral zombie at the moment of self defense. O.o
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Keith Piske
13. září 2015
Don't let the other comments fool you. This movie was total garbage. After watching that poor excuse of a trailer on Google play i gave it the benefit of the doubt based on people's comments. Now I'm out $5.27 for the rental, about 2 hours in time, and no faith in people's movie opinions. Even the acting was even border line horrible.
1. srpna 2015
A very common story line of men have issues, men resolve issues by weaker man rising to the occasion. It also had some very predictable but startling moments that despite their predictability were off timed just enough to keep your attention. It tells the story of the resiliency of mankind, of how no matter the odds the human spirit will win out and mankind will continue to survive. Some of the acting a was a bit dry, but overall worth the watch.
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