Apocalypse Now

1979年 • 153 分钟
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Heralded by many as the film that crystallizes most perfectly the experience of the Vietnam War, Francis Ford Coppola's hallucinatory masterpiece APOCALYPSE NOW has been painstakingly restored by his own Zoetrope studios under his close supervision, and will be released back in cinemas by Optimum Releasing on May 27th 2011. Martin Sheen (TV's The West Wing) stars as Army Captain Willard, a troubled man sent on a dangerous top-secret mission into Cambodia to assassinate a rogue Green Beret, Col. Kurtz (Marlon Brando, The Godfather, On the Waterfront, Last Tango in Paris), who has barricaded himself in a remote outpost. As Willard ventures deeper and deeper into the wilderness of the jungle, he embarks on a strange journey that leads him to Kurtz -- but also forces him to come face to face with the terrifying vision of the heart of darkness in us all. With an all-star critically acclaimed cast that also includes Robert Duvall (The Road, Crazy Heart, The Godfather Pt I & II), Dennis Hopper (Easy Rider, Blue Velvet), Harrison Ford (The Indiana Jones series) and Laurence Fishburne (The Matrix Trilogy), APOCALYPSE NOW so impressed the Cannes jury when shown as only a work in progress that it won the Palme D'Or that year (tied with Tin Drum). Vittorio Storaro's stunning cinematography and masterful sound editing from the genius Walter Murch won the film deserved Oscars and were just two of many awards the film has won over the years.


Chris Marston
I get why some people mightn't like this film. Except it's important to understand that those people are wrong. Apocalypse Now is a work of both madness and art. Absolutely worth watching.
Matthew Irwin (Matt)
A real cow is murdered on screen in this movie, I didn't know this going in and now I want my money back.
Rachel D
Terrible war movie boring. Black Hawk Down was worse but not by much, this at least attempted a plot line.
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