David Gee (DaveGee39)
It's understandable why most of this version ended up on the editors floor. These scenes make it the final cut whole different movie. Even the viewers concept of the characters change. Had this version been released I doubt the World would remember Apocalypse Now 40 years later.
William Brady
Apocalypse Now is one of my favorite films of all time. Francis Ford Coppola crafted a stunning masterpiece that remains relevant and awe inspiring today. The film's haunting portrayal of insanity and evil coupled with the GREATEST cinematography in film history, great acting, superb effects and a haunting yet beautiful soundtrack makes this one of the greatest movies ever made. 5/5
18Â Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich
Kevin Jensen
Excellent extended version. I'm not quite sure what film 'Daydream Island' watched, but 'Apocalypse Now Redux' is most assuredly an extended version of 'Apocalypse Now.' Having viewed ANR multiple occasions, I am grateful for the additional footage as it 'fleshes out' details that were left to imagination. It would be cinematically beneficial for the viewer to enjoy the film without a misinformed bias. Enjoy! 🙂