
2006 • 132 minutter
128 anmeldelser
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Om denne film

From Academy Award winning filmmaker Mel Gibson, comes Apocalypto: a heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end times of the once great Mayan civilization. When his idyllic existence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, a man is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.
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Bedømmelser og anmeldelser

128 anmeldelser
Willie Singleton III
7. juni 2021
This was, by far, the best movie of whatever year it came out. I had actually forgot about it, and was looking through Amazon Prime during my free trial, saw it, watched twice back to back, and then bought it as soon as I had money, then watched it again. The thing about this is how they got mad because one of their own got killed, but they were creating literal piles of bodies. Tearing people from their homes, raping their women, abandoning their children to fend for themselves, and then the ritual sacrifice. Ya'll deserved much, much worse.
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Colton Owen
12. oktober 2020
An absolute masterpiece.. Much deeper than anything I've ever watched. The hidden meanings and character development make it something you can watch multiple times before getting a true understanding of how well rounded Gibson is as a writer and director.
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Donna Chevis
27. november 2020
I love this movie. Never a dull moment. Everyone did a fantastic job, from the director, writing team, actors...just basically everyone that was involved in making the movie. And the cast members chosen were just perfect. I wish they would come out with another one but seems unlikely.
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