
2008 • 115 daqiqa
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
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In marshal Virgil Cole and deputy Everett Hitch's line of work, you shoot quick, you shoot clean and you reload straightaway. No feelings. Feelings get you killed. Paired as rivals in A History of Violence, Ed Harris (who also directs, produces and co-scripts) and Viggo Mortensen stand together as friends and for-hire peacekeepers Cole and Hitch in a character-driven, bullet-hard western based on Robert B. Parker's novel. As the woman who arrives in town with only a dollar and a keen sense of survival, Renée Zellweger adds feelings – those things that can get you killed – to a quest to bring murderer Randall Bragg (Jeremy Irons) to justice. Blood will spill in the town called Appaloosa. 2008 New Line Productions, Inc. and Axon Film Finance I, LLC. Package Design & Supplementary Material Compilation 2009 New Line Productions. Inc.