Apparition Hill

2016 • 114 minutu
9 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Seven strangers investigate reports of miracles and supernatural phenomena in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, where locals say the Virgin Mary has been appearing since 1981. Join a mother with stage four cancer, a man diagnosed with ALS, two atheists, a believer, a struggling addict, and a woman questioning her faith as they search for answers to life's big questions on Apparition Hill.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

9 iritzi
The Bergamot
2019(e)ko urriaren 11(a)
Apparition Hill was incredible. I cried throughout the film as the message and emotion was so compelling. This movie is a WOW! it is a 10/10 and you can feel the love all the way through it. I am blown away and look forward to going to Apparition Hill one day in the near future. This film is an inspiration of our mothers love and Gods love for all of us. Shine ON
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Fred DeFalco
2018(e)ko otsailaren 11(a)
A subject I'm interested in, this looks good so far!
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Aaron Crisler
2018(e)ko otsailaren 3(a)
Amazing!! Absolutly a must see Documentary!! You will not be disappointed!! Such an awesome sound track as well!!
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